Meet the Authors

Friday, April 30, 2010

Weekly Rejection Roundup

Last day of April. Can't believe it's May already. Yikes!

Not a bad week overall. Here's the tally:

Total manuscripts out: 44
Unique PBs: 22
> New this week: 0
Unique MG/YA: 2
> New this week: 0

Total rejections: 7
Form: 4
Personal: 3*
> Positive: 3
> Negative: 0
* meaning anything that directly references my submission by more than title

Total requests: 1
Partials: 0
Fulls: 1 (YA)

Mood Meter (on a scale of -5 to +5 with -5 being downright rotten and +5 being ecstatic): 3.2

Change from last week: +0.1

Getting more feedback, all positive, and the req for a full is a great boost, but feeling strangely unproductive.

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