Meet the Authors

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Mega SciFi & Fantasy Free and 99-cent Promo ends today


Hey peeps! Dean Wilson's SciFi/Fantasy Mega Promotion ends tonight, so be sure to get over there and get a ton of #free and #99cent books in these genres. Included in the #InstaFreebie giveaway is the first book of my BUNKER 12 series, Contain. The standalone prequel to the series, Shelter in Place, is available for 99 cents (sorry, Amazon only).


You'll want to read these and the second BUNKER 12  book, Condemn, before Book 3, Contact, goes live next month. It'll be available for pre-order soon and will be sold at all the major ebook retailers. Subscribers to my newsletter will get early access at a discounted price.


While you're at InstaFreebie, make sure to check out my other giveaways, including Velveteen and Golgotha, two of my most popular short stories from the GAMELAND world.


Happy reading!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Author Melanie Karsak: Halloween Instafreebie Promotion

Author Melanie Karsak has teamed up with InstaFreebie to offer a bucketful of #free horror and dark fantasy books, so head on over and fill up your ereader ahead of Halloween. Here's the link.

And if you haven't picked up my dark paranormal thriller Golgotha, the prequel to my epic post-apocalyptic series GAMELAND, stop by #Instafreebie here to snag a copy with the new cover.

Happy reading!


Thursday, December 24, 2015



$100 in Amazon Gift cards

A 4-book print set of GAMELAND

Happy holidays! Here's another massive giveaway and it's only being announced to subscribers of my newsletter, the Tanpepper Tidings. There are 4 prizes this time:
  1. $50 Amazon Gift Card
  2. $25 Amazon Gift Card
  3. $25 Amazon Gift Card
  4. Personalized 4-book paperback GAMELAND set

(note: If you haven't subscribed to my newsletter, you can do so here. Members get exclusive access and are the first to know about special offers and giveaways.)

This contest runs for two weeks (thru the first week of January). Good luck! And happy reading!


Terms and conditions:
No purchase necessary. Click to be entered. Additional entries for posting links to book reviews. To be fair to everyone entering, all entries by winners will be verified. Winners will be announced on Facebook and will be contacted directly by email. Good luck!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Super Secret Signed Book Giveaway for Tanpepper Tidings Subscribers

Who wants a signed copy of Contain?

Condemn, the second book in the BUNKER 12 series goes live today, and to celebrate, I'm giving away a signed copy of the first book, but I'm only announcing this to subscribers of my newsletter, the Tanpepper Tidings

(note: I know this page isn't secret, but it doesn't get much traffic, so it's as close to secret as it gets. And if you happened to stumble across this by accident and you want in on future exclusive goodies [plus a free ebook starter library], then you can subscribe to my newsletter here.)

This contest runs for one week (thru 11/20). Good luck! And happy reading!


Monday, October 26, 2015

ZOMBIE CRAWL: Rocking the Rot (Demystifying Decay in the Undead)


Demystifying Decay in the Undead

With a fondness that the uninitiated have difficulty fathoming, we fans of the undead often find ourselves referring to the zombie scourge as rotters. But the use of such an epithet belies a systemic lapse by contributors to the literature: our rotters don't rot. At least, not in ways that adhere to the natural processes of decay.
Putting aside arguments of suspension of disbelief (after all, we're talking reanimation here!), it's understandable that writers in the genre generally eschew the technical minutiae of decay in their

Thursday, October 22, 2015

z crawl schedule

Zombie Crawl 2 - Blog Party

October 22 - 31, 2015

How it works: Each day, the scheduled authors and bloggers will post awesome zombie-tastic content for your enjoyment along with a giveaway on their site/blog/page. You can hop around to all of the participating sites and enter as many giveaways as you like! If you would like to be emailed links to the new posts each day, join this Zombie Crawl Daily Digest list which will ensure you don't miss a post (or join the party on Facebook to get notifications). Make sure to leave comments and interact with the participating sites. Thanks for joining the party!

The Schedule:

OCTOBER 22 - Thursday
  Band of Dystopian Authors & Fans (Party & Grand Prize Host)
  Jo Michaels Blog (author)
  Rissa Blakeley (author)

OCTOBER 23 - Friday
  Claire C. Riley (author)
  2 Girls & A Book (blog)
  Emily Shore (author)

OCTOBER 24 - Saturday
  Kathy Dinisi (author)
  Us Girls & A Book (blog)
  The Voluptuous Book Diva (blog 18+)

OCTOBER 25 - Sunday
  Casey L. Bond (author)
  THE KATY blog (blog)

OCTOBER 26 - Monday Saul Tanpepper (author)
  Warren Fielding (author)
  The Leighgendarium (blog)

OCTOBER 27 - Tuesday
  Kody Boye (author)
  Rhiannon Frater (author)
  ER Arroyo (author)

OCTOBER 28 - Wednesday
  Allen Gamboa (author)
  Armand Rosamilia (author)
  Ethan @ One Guy's Guide to Good Reads (blog)

OCTOBER 29 - Thursday
  Kate L. Mary (author)
  aftershockzombieseries (author)
  Eli Constant (author)

OCTOBER 30 - Friday
  Aria Michaels (author)
  Brian Parker (author)
  Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps (blog)

OCTOBER 31 - Saturday
  Cindy Carroll (author)
  M. R. Pritchard (author)
  Toni L.H. Boughton (author)
  Digital Dirty Girl (blog)

To learn more about Band of Dystopian and/or to enter our Grand Prize Giveaway, visit and don't forget to join the group on Facebook!