Meet the Authors

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekly Rejection Roundup

Okay, skipped another week, but that's because I have a good excuse. really. I do.

After the excitement of getting my first contract on a PB, the past two weeks have been rather quite the downer. That's because I turned the offer down. I'll explain why tomorrow. Anyway, here're the nombres:

Total manuscripts out: 33
Unique PBs: 17
> New subs this week: 0
Unique MG/YA: 2
> New subs this week: 0

Total rejections: 2
Form: 2
Personal: 0*
> Positive: 0
> Negative: 0
* meaning anything that directly references my submission by more than title

Total manuscript requests: 0
Partials: 0
Fulls: 0

Offers: 0
PB: 0
Novel: 0

Mood Meter (on a scale of -5 to +5 with -5 being downright rotten and +5 being ecstatic): 0.8

Change from last week: -3.5

(-2.0 for what I went through that led to my declining the PB offer; -0.2 for the form rejects; -2.3 for having whooping cough and not getting anything done; -1.0 for not having written a damn thing for the last month)

Barely managing to stay on the plus side of total apathy. If I don't get some positive news or accomplish something positive in the next few days, I'm really not going to be that nice to be around.

Just sayin'.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weekly Rejection Roundup

Erm, actually, this would be the Semi-Weekly Roundup. After a week at the Happiest Place on Earth, I returned with a nasty case of whooping cough. Four days straight in bed and saved only by prescription-strength cough medicine. I feel funny....

A rather up and down two weeks. And, no, I'm not just talking about the rides at California Adventure. Here's the tally (pay attention this time, because there's NEWS):

Total manuscripts out: 35
Unique PBs: 18
> New subs this week: 0
Unique MG/YA: 2
> New subs this week: 0

Total rejections: 7
Form: 5
Personal: 2*
> Positive: 2
> Negative: 0
* meaning anything that directly references my submission by more than title

Total manuscript requests: 0
Partials: 0
Fulls: 0

Offers: 1
PB: 1
Novel: 0

Mood Meter (on a scale of -5 to +5 with -5 being downright rotten and +5 being ecstatic): 4.3

Change from last week: +1.1

(-0.5 for the five form rejects; +0.2 for the nice personal rejects; -2.3 for having whooping cough and not getting anything done; +3.7 for getting an offer)
