No new subs out as I've been focused on revisions and outlining my new dystopian (well, my old dystopian than I'm now getting back to). Most of the "rejects" are actually "no responses" on old subs. Et... voila:
Total manuscripts out: 34
Unique PB titles: 20
> New subs this month: 3
Unique MG/YA titles: 2
> New subs this month: 0
Total rejections: 20
Form/No response means "No": 16
Personal: 2
> Positive: 2
> Negative: 0
* meaning anything that directly references my submission by more than title
Total manuscript requests: 0
Partials: 0
Fulls: 0
Offers: 0
PB: 0
Novel: 0
Mood Meter (on a scale of -5 to +5 with -5 being downright rotten and +5 being ecstatic): 3.7
Change from last month: +/-0
No change, even though I had to mark off a lot of MS's as rejects due to no response and even got a reject on one PB after a couple rounds of revisions; but positive news with publisher interested in my YA, so feels a lot like "wait and see."
Crossed fingers that October will be the month.