OK, so still no news on the YA undergoing developmental edits. Expected to hear back by middle of Dec, but not surprised when I didn't, this being the holiday season. Even twitter has been quiet.
Some exciting news. Different MS that I'd thought was a no-go with another house turns out to still be alive and well. Reader report returned as very favorable. Editor requested revisions, which will be done end of Jan. So, I get to take that one off the R list and put it back in the active list.
Also, subbed a third YA to the Delacorte. Slim chance, but just getting it polished really improved it and brought out some great new tropes.
Not many R's; everyone's taking the holiday to catch up on important stuff, I guess. Like being with family.
Total manuscripts out: 16
Unique PB titles: 11
> New subs this month: 0
Unique MG/YA titles: 3
> New subs this month: 1
Total rejections: 1
Form/No response means "No": 1
> Personal*: 0
> Positive: 0
> Negative: 0
* anything that directly references my submission by more than title
Total manuscript requests: 0
Partials: 0
Fulls: 1
Offers: 0
PB: 0
Novel: 0
Mood Meter (on a scale of -5 to +5 with -5 being downright rotten and +5 being ecstatic): 4.2
Change from last month: +0.4
OK, so radio-silence on the one YA, but a +0.2 after hearing back on another I thought was dead, plus a +0.2 on a new sub I'm very optimistic about.
2011 has got to be the year.
4.2 is great -- congratulations! My aim is to hit 4.5 even with all the rejections, lack of response, etc.